by: E.C. LaMeaux
Karma is that age-old universal theory of getting what we deserve based on our thoughts and actions. Some believe that you can create your own good karma if you simply follow some basic rules. Better yet, if you practice these steps daily, you might not only bring good karma to yourself, but your actions may benefit those around you too.
Most people, at one time or another, find themselves battling low self-esteem, self-blame and self-doubt. Many focus on the "what ifs" and "should haves" of their lives. If you find yourself mired in these thoughts, try to focus on the love and goodness in your life. Start each day with a daily affirmation to focus on these aspects of your life. As your thinking shifts, your thoughts and actions toward those around you should change as well.
Holding grudges holds you back. While it's not always easy to love someone you perceive as having hurt you, it's better for you (and that person) in the long run if you practice the act of forgiveness and release ill feelings you may harbor. In this way, you clear away negativity that can block you from getting good karma to manifest in your life.
One of the easiest ways to send good karma into the world is to live from a place of compassion. Gandhi declared: "Be the change you want to see." If drawing good karma into your life is your desire, you must first practice what you hope to receive.
Known as the Golden Rule, the concept of "do unto others as you would have them do unto you" is best recalled as a key teaching of Jesus of Nazareth. However, the basic philosophy is a lesson taught in many cultures worldwide.
To get good karma flowing into your life, you should spend time in quiet introspection. You might see this as a time of soul searching as you explore your personal role in all that has transpired in your life. It's important to do this without judgment. The purpose is to gain understanding, not to place blame.
Consistency cannot be achieved overnight, but as you practice kindness, compassion, love of self and responsibility for your words and actions you begin attracting and sending good karma until it becomes a part of your daily life experience. At least that's the hope.