Authors: Philip Knox and Shelagh Braley
Your colon is one of the most sensitive and important parts of your digestive system, and a healthy colon is always the sign of an excellent diet and health-conscious lifestyle. If you think your colon is causing you discomfort, you can make a few simple changes to your diet to feel healthy and refreshed in no time with a quick detox.
The real key to a healthy colon is to boost your fiber intake. A high-fiber diet will give you regular bowel movements and help your colon work food through your system to absorb nutrients and water.
By providing your body with essential roughage, fiber should be your first step on the road to a healthy colon. Bananas and prunes are particularly good sources, and important vegetable sources include broccoli, carrots and zucchini. Avoid refined wheat and flour products, and switch to whole grains for all your bread and cereal choices. Brown rice and whole wheat pasta are delicious alternative sources of fiber, and can form a core part of your healthy-colon diet.
Another simple way to improve your colon health is to drink plenty of water. Your colon is responsible for absorbing water into your system, so, by increasing your water intake, you’ll give it a good workout and feel well-hydrated and energized. Drinking water is essential for a natural whole body cleanse.
The feeling of a bad colon rather than a healthy one should be easy to spot: Irregular bowel movements, discomfort and dehydration are all common symptoms.
If you feel like your colon needs a quick health-boost, you can supplement your high-fiber diet with vitamins and probiotic supplements. Probiotic yogurt and yogurt drinks are filled with “friendly” bacteria that are crucial for colon health. These bacteria help your body by producing vitamin B12. If you’re suffering from colon discomfort or irregular bowel movements, you might benefit from supplementing your diet with some vitamin B12 capsules, or by trying to eat more shellfish.
A popular treatment for colon health is the colon flush, a form of detoxification. Some people believe that toxins can build along your colon lining, and need to be flushed out with a special mineral-balancing solution. Your local alternative health center is the best place to receive a cleansing colon flush. Regular colon cleansing has helped people feel refreshed and relaxed, but your colon is delicate, so any treatments should be administered only with the advice of a professional.
To increase energy, decrease weight and lower your risk of colon cancer, try a colon detox. Here are a few steps describing how to cleanse your colon.
Most people with digestive problems turn to laxatives, which can irritate the colon and become habit-forming because the colon eventually won't move without the stimulant. The benefit to using a laxative is a quick (though sometimes harsh) response.
There are many colon detox products on the market that promise gentle results through the introduction of herbal and high-fiber supplements. By taking soluble and insoluble fiber supplements in the form of either a drink or a pill and a laxative tea over a period of anywhere from 30 to 90 days, you will be able to slough off the layer of toxins that line the colon, purify your body with an antioxidant infusion and help keep yourself regular. Some users report results within 24 hours, while for others it can take up to three or four weeks. If you don't notice any results within that time frame, try an alternative medical solution, such as colonic irrigation.
The process of clearing out the entire large intestine, usually referred to as a high colonic, colonic irrigation or colonic hydrotherapy, is an alternative medical treatment that purges the contents of more than 5.5 feet of digestive tract using pure warm water. It goes beyond what an enema can do, because enemas treat only the first 5 to 10 inches of the lower intestine.
Many believe high colonics help the body absorb more of what it needs for good health since, over time, colon buildup causes blockages, especially in cases of poor nutrition. Colon hydrotherapy will not lead to dependency the way laxatives can because there are no stimulants involved. Also, the expansion and contraction, as water fills and releases, will help to tone and strengthen the colon muscles.
One concern with colon cleansing is that it can increase your risk of dehydration. Be sure to drink lots of fluids while undergoing colon cleansing to prevent this from happening. If you choose a colon detox, check with your physician before undertaking any colon-cleansing process, especially if you take regular medication or have any health issues. Also, double-check the safety and drug interactions of ingredients in any colon-cleansing products, since some herbal supplements can interact with prescription drugs.