Join yoga yeacher and wellness expert Alexa Silvaggio in a five-minute meditation designed to get you to drop into your breath and awareness, with access anytime, anywhere.
Alexa Bio: Alexa Silvaggio is a wellness entrepreneur based in New York City, and Los Angeles. She is a yoga instructor, writer, speaker, podcast host, social media influencer, retreat leader, life coach, mover, shaker, and a real fine cappuccino maker. She leads retreats around the world, and wants you to create a life you dig. Follow along at @alexasilvaggioyoga.
Join yoga yeacher and wellness expert Alexa Silvaggio in a five-minute meditation designed to get you to drop into your breath and awareness, with access anytime, anywhere.
Alexa Bio: Alexa Silvaggio is a wellness entrepreneur based in New York City, and Los Angeles. She is a yoga instructor, writer, speaker, podcast host, social media influencer, retreat leader, life coach, mover, shaker, and a real fine cappuccino maker. She leads retreats around the world, and wants you to create a life you dig. Follow along at @alexasilvaggioyoga.