The Crystal Collection Eye Pillows are pure bliss during restorative yoga, before bed, or after long periods of screentime. Ground down and sink into stillness by infusing your savasana with love, power, calm, and ease. Made with organic wheat berry, rose quartz/amethyst/clear quartz/jade gemstones, and a lavender fill, these eye pillows help naturally cool the face, soothes dry eyes, and relaxes both body and mind. Each crystal eye pillow is packaged in a crystal-specific box, outlining the benefits of the individual crystal inside. Infuse your savasana with love.
Measurements: 8" x 5"
Materials: Eye pillow cover: 100% silk, Eye pillow casing: 100% cotton. Filling: lavender, organic wheat berry and selected stone.
Care Instructions: Remove cover. Wash in cold water and hang to dry. Tip - to reinvigorate the sensational lavender scent, simply massage the pillow in your hands.
Heating instructions: Remove cover & set aside. Lay the pillow as flat as possible on turntable and heat in 30-second intervals until you reach your desired temperature. Shake pillow between intervals for even heating. Test temperature on the back of the hand or forearm before placing it on the neck or face. Do not overheat.
This product is manufactured by a 3rd party and is exempt from all promotions.
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